Archive for the ‘ Life ’ Category

An Ode to Anger, Or, Rant Deluxe: THE GREAT DRIFTING

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The Half-Year Run: CHRONICLE

I tried to fall in it again
My friends took bets and disappeared
They mime their sighing violins
I think I’ll wait another year

I want my chest pressed to your chest
My nervous systems interfere
Ten or eleven months have passed
I think I’ll wait another year

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Coins For the Jukebox: THE HALFYEAR

This is the biscuit’s crux
Solid rock against the flux
Ultra-heavy beat deluxe
KMFDM forever sucks
Here’s your voice from the underground
Get ready for another round
Nothing new it’s the same old shit
If it works this good why fuck with it

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I have just gotten back from the start of our final week of TAFE, looking back upon all this, I realized the whole thing of sitting on my arse wasn’t going to improve anything. My bad. Thus, my relationship (or I should say friendship) with J___ came at an end, since I inadvertedly revealed to the poor thing that I’ve made my decision and fell in love with someone else, who was a classmate of mine, by the name of N___, knowing that this could be my chance of living away from my dreaded parents, but without the constant pest of loneliness. Being busy, I also dropped a few events with my friends from the other side of the city, since as the saying goes, I am dead-broke 😦 with two interviews on this week, since my (former) manager H____ said that my college hours clashed with work. Epic fail. But despite all this, I just feel better and betterer! Yes, I am an absolute child sometimes. I’ll fill in the details of M___’s and M___’s 21st party later. Promise.

A New Start: RE-SET

Change is the constant, the signal for rebirth, the egg of the phoenix.
Christina Baldwin

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